Protecting children from Parental Alienation abuse

  • Webinar on Child Abduction and Parental Alienation and dealing with it in court - Monday 28th November & Wednesday 7th December, 6pm GMT (Dublin time)

APRIL 2024

Parental Alienation Awareness Day is marked internationally on the 25th April in various ways flags, banners, Bubbles of Love, Notes on Social Media and so on.

This year in Ireland we are going to mark it with a Memento of Love at a memorable location of your Choice which will be photographed, captioned and posted to the Alienated Children First facebook page.

This video details how you can simply do this to remember your alienated daughter, son or grandchildren by. 

MAY 2023

Dublin 25 May 2023 – Alienated Children First Press Release on Department of Justice publication of Policy and Research on Parental Alienation – click here

Alienated Children First have created their first Newsletter to inform alienated parents and professionals about what is happening about parental alienation in Ireland and wider afield. We will be producing them on a regular basis and we hope that you find them interesting and educational. If you have any comments or suggestions on how we may improve it or any stories or articles to include in future issues; please email them to Please do not hesitate to share it on social media too.

June 2022 Newsletter

Parental Alienation is sadly common in relationship breakups in Ireland. It is when one parent decides to use a child as a means to “punish” the other parent from denial of access right up to eradicating the other parent from the child’s life. The child can be manipulated into this “game” and made to say negative things about the other parent and extended family. This is very damaging for the long term mental and emotional well being of the child.

Unfortunately, the courts and other bodies can be used by an alienating parent to push the targeted parent away from the life of the child, court orders can be ignored and broken without consequences and false allegations can be made against the targeted parent. This is very damaging for the long term mental and emotional well being of the targeted parent.

Sadly in Ireland we have a poor record of dealing with child abuse and Parental Alienation has been all too slowly recognised formally and officially and not properly addressed yet by TUSLA, the HSE, or Family Courts. This is changing.

There is a better way and Shared Parenting is almost always in the best interests of the child, respecting their basic human right to having two parents in their lives.

This is not a gender issue. This happens to mothers and fathers. This happens to boys and girls. This happens to sisters and brothers. This happens to grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. The abuse of the child affects everyone. One estimate has the number of affected people in Ireland, including extended family, at over 300,000.

If this is happening to you and your children, you are not alone. We believe you because we know of so many others.

We are here to help you and other victims. This website can help you deal with the hurt from the abuse, learn to stand up for yourself and your abused children.

 It’s important you realise you are not alone. The traumatic experience you are living through, is sadly not unique and all too common.

There are others just like you going through the same devastating experience of being prevented from continuing a close and loving bond with their own children. Millions of parents are affected globally.

Parental Alienation is an international scandal and one which can damage children for life. Do not give up on yourself or your children. 

We hear you. We are on your side.

We are a volunteer group unfortunately all too familiar with this form of child abuse. We are developing this website to help you. Please use the website to find help for yourself and your children. And email us with suggestions, questions or if you can help us to help you.

Stay strong.

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